Bug #3835 alter table enable/disable keys corrupts database
Submitted: 20 May 2004 10:51 Modified: 24 May 2004 11:03
Reporter: Mirza Hadzic Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.2 OS:Windows (Win 2000/XP)
Assigned to: Sergei Golubchik CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: corruption, myisam

[20 May 2004 10:51] Mirza Hadzic

I had problems with DB corruption in MyISAM table that I only created and then inserted lot of records (exectly 227553) using c program. Then I realized that problem disapears when I remove "alter table disable keys" from begin and "alter table enable keys" from the end of the program. I put it there for performance reasons. There is only one index: fulltext.
I am sending you table streets that checks OK, becouse I removed last "alter table enable keys". You can do that yourself from sql prompt:

>alter table streets enable keys

...and database becomes corrupted.

How to repeat:
alter table streets enable keys
[20 May 2004 10:57] Mirza Hadzic
now, I see that I cannot attach file larger 200KB, but this .zip file has 7MB. Is there any other means of sending files?
[20 May 2004 11:02] Mirza Hadzic
one more thing: sorry for the bogus version: it is not 4.2 but 4.1.2 snapshot 20040517
[20 May 2004 15:09] MySQL Verification Team
Please only attach the table structure schema and
your C program for I will do the test.

[20 May 2004 16:04] Mirza Hadzic
Unfortunatelly this is not possible becouse source of the data are huge GIS databases (Many GB) that are read, transformed and written to this MySQL table. I can however sand this database to any FTP you say. Resulting MySQL database is small (7MB) becouse I shortened main loop in program to point where database already gets corrupted (that is 227553 records, one record less and everything works OK).
[20 May 2004 16:18] MySQL Verification Team
Ok. Please upload the zip file at:


and let me know. Thanks
[20 May 2004 16:26] MySQL Verification Team
I wrote a wrong ftp URL before. Please use:


[20 May 2004 17:13] Mirza Hadzic
OK it is transferred, ta_sw... zip file. I wonder wether it will reproduce on your site.
[20 May 2004 17:27] Mirza Hadzic
I tried to copy to that 2nd FTP and it says that same file already exists there, is it correct?
[20 May 2004 18:00] MySQL Verification Team
Yes it is correct, just now I saw your file on
our server. Thanks.
[20 May 2004 21:32] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for your test case:

C:\servers\4.1.2\bin>mysql -uroot
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 4.1.2-alpha-max

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use ta_swiss_2003_3;
Database changed
mysql> check table streets\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Table: ta_swiss_2003_3.streets
      Op: check
Msg_type: status
Msg_text: OK
1 row in set (5.63 sec)

mysql> alter table streets enable keys\G
Query OK, 0 rows affected (20.13 sec)

mysql> check table streets\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
   Table: ta_swiss_2003_3.streets
      Op: check
Msg_type: error
Msg_text: Key in wrong position at page 4434944
*************************** 2. row ***************************
   Table: ta_swiss_2003_3.streets
      Op: check
Msg_type: error
Msg_text: Corrupt
2 rows in set (0.58 sec)
[21 May 2004 8:27] Mirza Hadzic
Here some notes that might help you:

- This table had a lot (8) indicies but:
a) problem disapears when I remove fulltext index AND r-tree spatial index ("normal" indicies works OK)
b) If I keep fulltext and/or spatial index, database gets corrupted

- today I encountered that this is not related to alter table disable/enable keys. I was probably lucky first time, but now it also occurs without disable/enable keys.

[23 May 2004 14:22] Sergei Golubchik
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at

Additional info:

fixed in 4.1.3
[24 May 2004 9:48] Mirza Hadzic
Fixed in 4.1.3? So, it is not available in daily snapshots in Download section? As far as I know those snapshots are 4.1.2 version?
[24 May 2004 11:03] Sergei Golubchik
Not really , daily snapshots are 4.1 - that is the latest 4.1.x
At some point in time, the tree is cloned to build a release. After that, changes won't reach 4.1.2 - that's why I wrote 4.1.3. But because of a couple of build problemsthe build was restarted, so the fix *will* be in 4.1.2.