Bug #38225 monitor still "remembers" deleted servers
Submitted: 18 Jul 2008 14:48 Modified: 15 Oct 2008 10:05
Reporter: Lig Isler-Turmelle Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:MacOS
Assigned to: Eric Herman CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Jul 2008 14:48] Lig Isler-Turmelle
After deleting a server from the Settings -> Manage Servers tab, at the very bottom of the page the "Monitoring x instance on x host" values do not reflect the deletion.

In my testing with 2 instances on one machine with extra subscriptions to be used - if I then navigate away from the Manage Servers page and then go back - the values are corrected.

How to repeat:
Have monitor watching 2 instances or servers.  Delete 1.  Note "Monitoring x instance on x host" at bottom of page.

Suggested fix:
Possible work around (show caution):
SELECT * from inv_servers and inv_agents tables to see if the servers are still listed there.  If so delete the servers from the inv_servers and inv_agents tables in the monitor database.
[31 Jul 2008 20:16] Chris Calender
If you remove any old entries from the repository database, be sure to restart the Service Manager afterwards to reflect the changes.
[5 Sep 2008 15:49] Marcos Palacios
Verified fixed in build
[15 Oct 2008 10:05] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.0 changelog:

After deleting a server from the Settings, Manage Servers tab, at the very bottom of the page the Monitoring x instances on x host values did not reflect the deletion.