Bug #37548 result value erronously reported being NULL in certain subqueries
Submitted: 20 Jun 2008 15:40 Modified: 16 Sep 2008 4:24
Reporter: Frederic Steinfels Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: DML Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.1.23 and up, 5.1, 6.0 bzr OS:Any
Assigned to: Georgi Kodinov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: null, regression, result, subquery

[20 Jun 2008 15:40] Frederic Steinfels
Since some time (do not know exactly when) but at least in versions 5.1.24 and 5.1.25 the following query is returning different values for the row 'correct' and the row 'incorrect'. When you look at the query, it should be OBVIOUS that the results must be basically the same.

How to repeat:
install the tables as supplied (privately) and run this query

    (SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTR(`id`,0,0),`maxweight`)+0 FROM `shipprice` AS sp WHERE 
      sp.`shipzonecountry_code`=sz.`shipzonecountry_code` AND 
      ORDER BY sp.`maxweight` DESC LIMIT 1) AS correct,
    (SELECT `maxweight` FROM `shipprice` AS sp WHERE 
      sp.`shipzonecountry_code`=sz.`shipzonecountry_code` AND 
      ORDER BY sp.`maxweight` DESC LIMIT 1) AS incorrect,
    REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(SUBSTR(s.`name`,1,POSITION('[e]' IN s.`name`)-1),SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.`name`,'[/e]',-1)),'[d]',''),'[/d]','') AS sortname
    (`shipmode` AS s,
    `shipzone` AS sz,
    `shipzonecountry` AS sc)
    `shipmaxweight` AS smw
    smw.`country_code`='CH' AND smw.`shipmode_id`=s.`id`
   (s.`minweight`<='33' OR s.`minweight` IS NULL)
        GROUP BY s.`id`
  ORDER BY sortname

Suggested fix:
Fix :-)
[20 Jun 2008 15:43] Frederic Steinfels
This is what the query returns. Please fix mysql so that the row 'incorrect' does report the values of 'correct'

| id | correct | incorrect | sortname                                                   |
|  2 |   10000 |      NULL | Abholung in unserem Geschäft                               |
| 32 |   10000 |      NULL | Abholung in unserem Geschäft mit Einlade- und Umpackhilfe  |
| 21 |      30 |      NULL | DPD                                                        |
| 22 |    NULL |      NULL | eMail                                                      |
|  7 |     500 |      NULL | Heiminstallation 1 Person inkl Weg und 1 Stunde Arbeit     |
|  8 |     500 |      NULL | Heiminstallation 2 Person inkl Weg und 1 Stunde Arbeit     |
|  4 |     500 |      NULL | Miete Transportbus                                         |
|  5 |     500 |      NULL | Persönliche Lieferung 1 Person inkl Weg und 15min Arbeit   |
|  6 |     500 |      NULL | Persönliche Lieferung 2 Personen inkl Weg und 15min Arbeit |
| 26 |    0.25 |      NULL | Post Letter Priority                                       |
| 27 |    0.25 |      NULL | Post Letter Priority Signature                             |
| 19 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Economy                                           |
| 20 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Economy Signature                                 |
| 23 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Express Signature Mond                            |
| 17 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Priority                                          |
| 24 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Priority Nachnahme                                |
| 18 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Priority Signature                                |
| 29 |      30 |      NULL | Post Pac Signature Sperrgut                                |
|  3 |     200 |      NULL | Spediteur                                                  |
[22 Jun 2008 18:25] Sveta Smirnova
Simplified query:

    (SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTR(`id`,0,0),`maxweight`)+0 FROM `shipprice` AS sp WHERE 
      sp.`shipzonecountry_code`=sz.`shipzonecountry_code` AND 
      ORDER BY sp.`maxweight` DESC LIMIT 1) AS correct,
    (SELECT `maxweight` FROM `shipprice` AS sp WHERE 
      sp.`shipzonecountry_code`=sz.`shipzonecountry_code` AND 
      ORDER BY sp.`maxweight` DESC LIMIT 1) AS incorrect,
    REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(SUBSTR(s.`name`,1,POSITION('[e]' IN s.`name`)-1),SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.`name`,'[/e]',-1)),'[d]',''),'[/d]','') AS sortname
    (`shipmode` AS s,
    `shipzone` AS sz)
[22 Jun 2008 18:29] Sveta Smirnova
test case

Attachment: bug37548.test (application/octet-stream, text), 7.80 KiB.

[22 Jun 2008 18:39] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described using attache test case.

Workaround: alter table shipprice drop index maxweight;
[23 Jun 2008 10:37] Frederic Steinfels
Please consider wheter this bug could have been created when fixing bug 35206 which I reported and was fixed for 5.1.24
[24 Jun 2008 15:26] Hartmut Holzgraefe
Works fine in 5.1.22, breaks with 5.1.23
[24 Jun 2008 17:05] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2673 Georgi Kodinov	2008-06-24
      Bug#37548: result value erronously reported being NULL in certain subqueries
      When switching to indexed ORDER BY we must be sure to reset the index read
      flag if we are switching from a covering index to non-covering.
[21 Aug 2008 15:31] Georgi Kodinov
The problem here is because of a flag not being reset.
The optimizer on the subquery works as follows : 
1. it selects a covering index (b_2) and sets the flags so that the runtime would not read anything but the index.
2. It finds that it's better to use another index for sorting (d), but it doesn't reset the flag to use only the index
3. When the runtime executes the query it doesn't fill up the b and c values, so the condition of the subquery is never true and we get NULL instead of a non-null result from the subquery.
[27 Aug 2008 15:20] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2673 Georgi Kodinov	2008-08-27
      Bug#37548: result value erronously reported being NULL in certain subqueries
      When switching to indexed ORDER BY we must be sure to reset the index read
      flag if we are switching from a covering index to non-covering.
[28 Aug 2008 10:10] Georgi Kodinov
Pushed in 5.1.28
[2 Sep 2008 18:43] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.1.28 changelog.

When using indexed ORDER BY sorting, incorrect query results could be
produced if the optimizer switched from a covering index to a
non-covering index.

Setting report to NDI pending push into 6.0.x.
[14 Sep 2008 5:50] Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.7-alpha  (revid:kgeorge@mysql.com-20080827151922-k1rb2jigudvl3324) (version source revid:john.embretsen@sun.com-20080724122511-9c0oudz1xrdrs6y6) (pib:3)
[16 Sep 2008 4:24] Paul DuBois
Noted in 6.0.7 changelog.