Bug #3661 mysqld requires ndbcluster to be started
Submitted: 5 May 2004 10:47 Modified: 15 Sep 2004 12:47
Reporter: Johan Andersson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:mysql-4.1-alpha bk OS:FermiLinux LTS 3.01
Assigned to: Magnus Blåudd CPU Architecture:Any

[5 May 2004 10:47] Johan Andersson
Customer wants a fallback scenario when starting mysqld with "--ndbcluster". If the mysqld server does not succeed in connecting to ndbcluster, it should start anyway when the connection attempt has timed out giving a warning that the ndblucster is not contactable. There are cases where it is better to start the mysqld server than not to have it started (e.g, some tables that might be critical might be stored in innodb)

How to repeat:
mysqld --ndblcuster

if ndbcluster is not started then mysqld crashes.
[6 Aug 2004 10:57] Magnus Blåudd
A fix for this probelm has been commited to mysql-4.1-ndb
[15 Sep 2004 12:47] Magnus Blåudd
This problem is now fixed in mysql-4.1. 

The MySQL Server can start without connection to ndb_mgmd ot ndbd(s). It will the connect as soon as the cluster is started.