Bug #34359 When altering an stored procedure in visual studio parameters dissapear
Submitted: 6 Feb 2008 18:57 Modified: 1 Mar 2008 11:00
Reporter: Mike Hat Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.4 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: stored procedures parameters visual studio 2005 net c#

[6 Feb 2008 18:57] Mike Hat
When I try to modify any stored procedure that has a parameter thru the server explorer in visual studio 2005 the parameters of the stored procedure dissapear.


I save this:

PROCEDURE `StoredProcedure1`(payment_amount DECIMAL(6,2),payment_seller_id INT)
END $$

and i get this afterwards

PROCEDURE `StoredProcedure1`()
END $$

I can save them when creating or modifying them, and if I check thru the query browser they are ok, but when I display them thru the visual studio server explorer the parameters dissapear from the declaration, not from body of the procedure

How to repeat:
1) Create a new procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE StoredProcedure2 (sarasa DECIMAL(6,2)) 
SELECT '?sarasa';

2) save

3) create a table adapter and the method generated automatically (get for example or fill) will ask for the correct type.

4)Open the stored procedure for tweaking it and you will find this

PROCEDURE StoredProcedure2 ()
SELECT '?sarasa';
[7 Feb 2008 19:54] Mike Hat
I've been working on this a little more, i tracked the problem to a dataset


Line 206
   Protected override DataTable ReadTable(DataConnectionWrapper connection, object[] restrictions, string sort)
	if (connection == null)
	    throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");
	DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema("Procedures", rest);
	return dt;

The dataset returns 20 columns when they should be 21!

The query (line 41 same file)

        protected new const string EnumerateSqlTemplate =
            "SELECT " +
            "r.ROUTINE_CATALOG, " +
            "r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA, " +
            "r.ROUTINE_TYPE, " +
            "r.ROUTINE_NAME, " +
            "r.SPECIFIC_NAME, " +
            "r.DTD_IDENTIFIER, " +
            "r.ROUTINE_BODY, " +
            "r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION, " +
            "r.EXTERNAL_NAME, " +
            "r.EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE, " +
            "r.PARAMETER_STYLE, " +
            "r.IS_DETERMINISTIC, " +
            "r.SQL_DATA_ACCESS, " +
            "r.SQL_PATH, " +
            "r.SECURITY_TYPE, " +
            "r.CREATED, " +
            "r.LAST_ALTERED, " +
            "r.SQL_MODE, " +
            "r.ROUTINE_COMMENT, " +
            "r.`DEFINER`, " +
            "FROM information_schema.ROUTINES r " +
            "JOIN mysql.PROC p ON r.SPECIFIC_NAME = p.SPECIFIC_NAME " +
            "AND r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA = p.DB " +
            "AND r.ROUTINE_TYPE = p.`TYPE` " +
            "WHERE r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA = {1} AND r.ROUTINE_TYPE = {2} AND r.ROUTINE_NAME = {3}";

* Parameter 21 "CONVERT (p.PARAM_LIST, CHAR) AS PARAM_LIST " is missing, I have some trouble with subqueries in the sql editor, so this could be related

"Select a.column,(SELECT 'a') as sarasa from a" only returns column.

I'll post updates as soon as i got some news
[11 Feb 2008 15:35] Mike Hat
It seems that I needed a weekend to figure it out.

LINE #206 - File: StoredProcDescriptor.cs
Protected override DataTable ReadTable(DataConnectionWrapper connection, object[]
restrictions, string sort)
DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema("Procedures", rest);

GetSchema("Procedures", rest) returns 20 fields instead of 21, I thought that it was using the SQL defined in the line 41 of the same file, but it wasnt. When you call it the function returns all columns but PARAM_LIST, It must be a GetSchema error, I've seen a few open issues related with GetSchema.

I used the sql defined in line 41 and worked fine, this is what i did:


LINE #217 - File: StoredProcDescriptor.cs
string[] rest = restrictions == null ? null : new string[restrictions.Length];
if (rest != null)
	for (int x = 0; x < rest.Length; x++)
		if (restrictions[x] != null)
			rest[x] = restrictions[x].ToString();

//DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema("Procedures", rest);
DbCommand _command = conn.CreateCommand();
_command.CommandText = string.Format(EnumerateSqlTemplate, "", "'" + rest[1].ToString() + "'", "'PROCEDURE'", "'" + rest[2].ToString() + "'");
DbDataReader _dr = _command.ExecuteReader();

DataTable dt = new DataTable();

return dt;

I know its ugly code, sorry, I'm sure it can be improved, I just wanted to post this fix fast to help out :P

I'll check out GetSchema to see if i can fix it from there later on.

Best Regards
Mike Hat
[11 Feb 2008 17:56] Tonci Grgin
Hi Mike and thanks for your efforts. I'm drowning in all possible connectors reports right now and don't have time for proper analysis right away so I asked c/NET team leader to take a peek into this problem.
[11 Feb 2008 19:46] Mike Hat
Tonci Grgin:

No problem, just trying to help :P

I took a look at the .Net connector (mysql.data.dll) and found out that when you call GetSchema after a few turns you get to the "Query" function, that actually does the query.
The query only affects the "INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES" table and never joins with the "mysql.PROC" table. So there is no way you can get the procedure param_list.

One way could it to use the code I put in my previous message, or a better one :P. The other way could it be to modify the Query function, but i see it a little complicated since its used for many things. Perhaps a subselect there?

---> StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT *, (SELECT param_list from mysql.PROC where bla bla bla) from FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.");

Here's the code of the query function that returns de dataset without the param_list

Hope this helps

LINE #250 - ISSchemaProvider.cs (mysql.data proyect)
private DataTable Query(string table_name, string initial_where,
            string[] keys, string[] values)
            StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(initial_where);
            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.");

            if (values != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                    if (i >= values.Length) break;
                    if (values[i] == null || values[i] == String.Empty) continue;
                    if (where.Length > 0)
                        where.Append(" AND ");
                    where.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}='{1}'", keys[i], values[i]);

            if (where.Length > 0)
                query.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " WHERE {0}", where);

            return GetTable(query.ToString());
[12 Feb 2008 21:12] Mike Hat
Nicer fix :P

LINE #215 - File: StoredProcDescriptor.cs
//DbConnection conn = //DbConnection)connection.Connection.GetLockedProviderObject();

string[] rest = restrictions == null ? null : new string[restrictions.Length];
if (rest != null)
	for (int x = 0; x < rest.Length; x++)
		if (restrictions[x] != null)
			rest[x] = restrictions[x].ToString();

//DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema("Procedures", rest);
DataTable dt = connection.ExecuteSelectTable(string.Format(EnumerateSqlTemplate, "", "'" + rest[1].ToString() + "'", "'PROCEDURE'", "'" + rest[2].ToString() + "'"));

return dt;
[14 Feb 2008 16:55] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:

[14 Feb 2008 17:10] Reggie Burnett
Fixed in 5.1.6 and 5.2.1
[1 Mar 2008 11:00] MC Brown
A note has been added to the 5.1.6, and 5.2.1 changelog: 

When altering a stored procedure within Visual Studio, the parameters to the procedure could be lost.