Bug #33843 procedure, ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column though col exists
Submitted: 13 Jan 2008 6:54 Modified: 20 Jun 2012 16:23
Reporter: Joe Knall Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Stored Routines Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.54, 5.0.51, 5.1.51 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: execute, prepare, stored procedure

[13 Jan 2008 6:54] Joe Knall
stored procedure creates different tables according to parameter and fills it with data;
select * gives correct result (creates table a);
called again with different param (creates table b) gives ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'test.test.a' in 'field list';
created table and data is correct anyways;

How to repeat:
drop procedure if exists `test`.`p_test`;
delimiter $$
create procedure `test`.`p_test` (in _param int)
language sql
modifies sql data
sql security definer
    drop table if exists `test`.`test`;

    if _param = 1 then
        set @sql = '
            create table `test`.`test` (
                `a` char(1) not null
            ) type = myisam
        prepare query from @sql;
        execute query;

        insert into `test`.`test` (`a`) values ('a'),('b');
        set @sql = '
            create table `test`.`test` (
                `b` char(1) not null
            ) type = myisam
        prepare query from @sql;
        execute query;

        insert into `test`.`test` (`b`) values ('c'),('d');
    end if;

    select * from `test`.`test`;
delimiter ;

call `test`.`p_test`(1);
call `test`.`p_test`(2);

Suggested fix:
instead of

select * from `test`.`test`;

this works:

set @sql = 'select * from `test`.`test`';
prepare query from @sql;
execute query;
[13 Jan 2008 7:01] Joe Knall

Attachment: procedure-bug.sql (application/octet-stream, text), 1.03 KiB.

[13 Jan 2008 7:30] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a bug report. Verified just as described.

Looks like "SELECT * FROM test" is replaced by "SELECT a FROM test" if table `test` with `a` as the only column exists at the moment of call (as it happens with second call).
[6 Oct 2010 12:13] MySQL Verification Team
a workaround is to flush the SP cache between calls.  the easiest way to flush SP cache is to run this:

create or replace view tmpview as select now();
[20 Jun 2012 16:23] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.6.6 changelog.

Changing the set of columns in a table between executions of a stored
program that used the table could cause "Unknown column" errors.