Bug #33763 Mysqld leaves readonly mode for cluster tables too early - patch 2
Submitted: 9 Jan 2008 11:55 Modified: 31 May 2008 10:31
Reporter: Magnus Blåudd Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: Magnus Blåudd CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Jan 2008 11:55] Magnus Blåudd
Follow up bug to apply almost the patch for BUG#32275 against mysql-5.1

Patch can't be applied without modifications.

How to repeat:
See BUG#32275

Particularly useful command is:
while ./mtr loaddata_autocom_ndb; do data; done

Suggested fix:
Apply modified patch for BUG#32275
[9 Jan 2008 11:59] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2680, 2008-01-09 12:59:20+01:00, msvensson@pilot.mysql.com +3 -0
  Bug#33763 Mysqld leaves readonly mode for cluster tables too early - part2
   - Open tables readonly while not properly initialized
   - Close cached tables when coming out of readonly mode
   - Apply basically same patch as for 32275
[31 May 2008 10:31] Jon Stephens
Tagged changelog entry for Bug #32275 as fixing this bug also; re-tagged entry for 5.1.23. Closed per recent discussion with Jonas.
[30 Jan 2009 13:31] Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.10-alpha (revid:luis.soares@sun.com-20090129165607-wiskabxm948yx463) (version source revid:luis.soares@sun.com-20090129163120-e2ntks4wgpqde6zt) (merge vers: 6.0.10-alpha) (pib:6)
[30 Jan 2009 15:11] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32 (revid:luis.soares@sun.com-20090129165946-d6jnnfqfokuzr09y) (version source revid:sp1r-msvensson@pilot.mysql.com-20080325174049-18586) (merge vers: 5.1.24-rc) (pib:6)
[17 Feb 2009 15:00] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32-ndb-6.3.23 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090217131017-6u8qz1edkjfiobef) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090203133556-9rclp06ol19bmzs4) (merge vers: 5.1.32-ndb-6.3.22) (pib:6)
[17 Feb 2009 16:48] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32-ndb-6.4.3 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090217134419-5ha6xg4dpedrbmau) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090203133556-9rclp06ol19bmzs4) (merge vers: 5.1.32-ndb-6.3.22) (pib:6)
[17 Feb 2009 18:24] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.32-ndb-6.2.17 (revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090217134216-5699eq74ws4oxa0j) (version source revid:tomas.ulin@sun.com-20090201210519-vehobc4sy3g9s38e) (merge vers: 5.1.32-ndb-6.2.17) (pib:6)