Bug #28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect binlog
Submitted: 8 Jun 2007 14:31 Modified: 16 Sep 2009 9:44
Reporter: Dmitry Lenev Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.44-BK, 5.0.42 OS:Any
Assigned to: Alfranio Tavares Correia Junior CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Jun 2007 14:31] Dmitry Lenev
Mixing transactional and non-transactional tables in one transaction while concurrently access to non-transactional table from other connections may result in incorrect statement order in the binary log.

See How-to-repeat section for example of such situation.

I believe that problem stems from the fact that altough modifications done to myisam table inside of transaction become immediately visible to the other connections it does not immediately gets to the binary log and therefore
consistency is broken.

How to repeat:
# Here is the test for MySQL's test suite which exposes the bug
-- source include/have_innodb.inc

drop tables if exists tt, tn;
create table tt (a int) engine=innodb;
create table tn (b int) engine=myisam;
set @@autocommit= 0;

connect (addcon, localhost, root,,);
connection default;
insert into tt values (1);
insert into tn values (2);

connection addcon;
set @@autocommit= 0;
insert into tn select * from tn;

connection default;
show binlog events;
# Log_name      Pos     Event_type      Server_id       End_log_pos     Info
# master-bin.000001     4       Format_desc     1       98      Server ver: 5.0.42-debug-log, Binlog ver: 4
# master-bin.000001     98      Query   1       189     use `test`; drop tables if exists tt, tn
# master-bin.000001     189     Query   1       289     use `test`; create table tt (a int) engine=innodb
# master-bin.000001     289     Query   1       389     use `test`; create table tn (b int) engine=myisam
# master-bin.000001     389     Query   1       483     use `test`; insert into tn select * from tn
# master-bin.000001     483     Query   1       551     use `test`; BEGIN
# master-bin.000001     551     Query   1       88      use `test`; insert into tt values (1)
# master-bin.000001     639     Query   1       176     use `test`; insert into tn values (2)
# master-bin.000001     727     Xid     1       754     COMMIT /* xid=8 */

# Notice that by applying above binary log we should get only ONE row
# containing value 2 in 'tn' table. And real content of the table is 
# different.
select * from tn;
# b
# 2
# 2
[8 Jun 2007 16:35] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a bug report. Verified just as described with your test case on latest 5.0.44-BK on Linux.
[13 Jun 2009 14:37] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2936 Alfranio Correia	2009-06-13
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect binlog
      Mixing transactional and non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction may
      lead inconsistencies among masters and slaves. The problem stems from the fact
      that although modifications done to non-transactional tables on behalf of a
      transaction become immediately visible to the other connections it does not
      immediately gets to the binary log and therefore consistency is broken.
      After the WL#2687, it will be safe to use either the MIXED or ROW mode to do such
      mix. Changes to non-transactional tables will immediately get to the binary log
      as rows. Under the STATEMENT mode, however, changing non-transactional tables
      before transactional ones is the only possible safe mix. This happen because it
      is as if such changes had not been executed on the behalf of a transaction.
      On the other hand, other combinations may hide a causal dependency, thus making
      impossible to immediately write statements with non-transactional tables to the
      binary log.
      This patch guarantees that the safe mix under the STATEMENT mode is properly
      handled and also classifies whether a statement is safe or not under such mode.
      In a nutshell,
      1 - Any update, delete or insert statement accessing a non-transactional table
      is safe if it is issued on behalf of a transaction before any update, delete or
      insert statement accessing a transactional table and issued on behalf of the same
      2 - Statements with only transactional tables are safe.
      3 - Statements with transactional and non-transactional tables are unsafe.
[8 Jul 2009 8:22] Alfranio Tavares Correia Junior
Important note:

It is safe to mix non-transactional statements and transactional statements in the context of a transaction provided that the non-transactional statements are issued before any transactional statement in the context of the same transaction. For instance, assume TT (i.e. Innodb table) and NT (i.e. MyIsam)
and the following transactions and their respective entries in the binary log.

COMMIT T1            COMMIT T1



[8 Jul 2009 8:28] Alfranio Tavares Correia Junior
The patch in this bug report fixes the case in which a mixed statement, i.e. a statement that accesses both non-transactional and transactional tables is issued.
See the changeset below and the WL#2687 for further details.
[8 Jul 2009 8:30] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2972 Alfranio Correia	2009-07-08
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional and non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction may
      lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves. The problem stems from the fact
      that although modifications done to non-transactional tables on behalf of a 
      transaction become immediately visible to the other connections it does not
      immediately gets to the binary log and therefore consistency is broken.
      After the WL#2687, it will be safe to use either the MIXED or ROW mode to do such
      mix. Changes to non-transactional tables will immediately get to the binary log
      as rows. Under the STATEMENT mode, however, changing non-transactional tables
      before transactional ones is the only possible safe mix. This happen because it
      is as if such changes had not been executed on the behalf of a transaction.
      On the other hand, other combinations may hide a causal dependency, thus making
      impossible to immediately write statements with non-transactional tables to the
      binary log.
      This patch guarantees that a mix under the STATEMENT mode is handled as follows:
      1) "B T T C" generates the "B T T C" entries in the binary log.
      2) "B T T R"  generates an "empty" entry in the binary log.
      2) "B T N C" generates the "B T N C" entries in the binary log.
      3) "B T N R" generates the "B T N R" entries in the binary log.
      4) "T" generates the "B T C" entries in the binary log.
      5) "T" with error generates an "empty" entry in the binary log.
      6) "N" generates the "N" entry in the binary log.
      7) "N" generates an empty entry if the error happens in the first tuple.
      Otherwise, generates the "N" entry in the binary log.
      8) "M" generates the "B M C" entries in the binary log.
      10) "M" with error generates the "B M C" entries in the binary log.
      11) "B N N T C" generates the "N N B T C" entries in the binary log.
      12) "B N N T R" generates the "N N B T R" entries in the binary log.
      13) "B N N C" generates the "N N" entries in the binary log.
      14) "B N N R" generates the "N N" entries in the binary log.
      15) "B M T C" generates the "B M T C" entries in the binary log.
      16) "B M T R" generates the "B M T R" entries in the binary log.
[9 Jul 2009 14:34] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2972 Alfranio Correia	2009-07-09
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional and non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction may
      lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves. The problem stems from the fact
      that although modifications done to non-transactional tables on behalf of a 
      transaction become immediately visible to the other connections it does not
      immediately gets to the binary log and therefore consistency is broken.
      After the WL#2687, it will be safe to use either the MIXED or ROW mode to do such
      mix. Changes to non-transactional tables will immediately get to the binary log
      as rows. Under the STATEMENT mode, however, changing non-transactional tables
      before transactional ones is the only possible safe mix. This happen because it
      is as if such changes had not been executed on the behalf of a transaction.
      On the other hand, other combinations may hide a causal dependency, thus making
      impossible to immediately write statements with non-transactional tables to the
      binary log.
      This patch guarantees that a mix under the STATEMENT mode is handled as follows:
      1) "B T T C" generates the "B T T C" entries in the binary log.
      2) "B T T R"  generates an "empty" entry in the binary log.
      2) "B T N C" generates the "B T N C" entries in the binary log.
      3) "B T N R" generates the "B T N R" entries in the binary log.
      4) "T" generates the "B T C" entries in the binary log.
      5) "T" with error generates an "empty" entry in the binary log.
      6) "N" generates the "N" entry in the binary log.
      7) "N" generates an empty entry if the error happens in the first tuple.
      Otherwise, generates the "N" entry in the binary log.
      8) "M" generates the "B M C" entries in the binary log.
      10) "M" with error generates the "B M C" entries in the binary log.
      11) "B N N T C" generates the "N N B T C" entries in the binary log.
      12) "B N N T R" generates the "N N B T R" entries in the binary log.
      13) "B N N C" generates the "N N" entries in the binary log.
      14) "B N N R" generates the "N N" entries in the binary log.
      15) "B M T C" generates the "B M T C" entries in the binary log.
      16) "B M T R" generates the "B M T R" entries in the binary log.
[10 Jul 2009 11:25] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3018 Alfranio Correia	2009-07-10
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves. The problem
      stems from the fact that although modifications done to non-transactional tables
      on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible to the other connections it
      does not immediately gets to the binary log and therefore consistency is broken.
      After the WL#2687, it will be safe to use either the MIXED or ROW mode to do such
      mix. Changes to non-transactional tables will immediately get to the binary log
      as rows. Under the STATEMENT mode, however, changing non-transactional tables
      before transactional ones is the only possible safe mix. This happen because it
      is as if such changes had not been executed on the behalf of a transaction.
      On the other hand, other combinations may hide a causal dependency, thus making
      impossible to immediately write statements with non-transactional tables to the
      binary log before committing or rolling back the transaction.
      In this bug, with fix two issues regarding the mix of T statements and N
      statements on behalf of a transaction when in STATEMENT mode.
      First, multi-level (e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table
      statements (e.g. update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases,
      only the flag "modified_non_trans_table" is not enough to reflect that both a N
      and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we also check if an engine
      is registered in the handler's list and changed something meaning that a M table
      was modified.
      Second, the fix for BUG#43929 introduced a regression issue. In a nutshell,
      when a N statement fails on behalf of a transaction, it is written to the binary
      log with the error code appended. Unfortunately, after BUG#43929, this scenario
      was flushing the transactional cache (i.e. the cache where changes a stored while
      processing a transaction before being written to the binary log upon a commit
      or rollback) although a commit or a rollback was not issued. To fix this issue,
      we avoid flushing the transactional cache when a commit or rollback is not issued.
[10 Jul 2009 11:39] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3018 Alfranio Correia	2009-07-10
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves. The problem
      stems from the fact that although modifications done to non-transactional tables
      on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible to the other connections it
      does not immediately gets to the binary log and therefore consistency is broken.
      After the WL#2687, it will be safe to use either the MIXED or ROW mode to do such
      mix. Changes to non-transactional tables will immediately get to the binary log
      as rows. Under the STATEMENT mode, however, changing non-transactional tables
      before transactional ones is the only possible safe mix. This happen because it
      is as if such changes had not been executed on the behalf of a transaction.
      On the other hand, other combinations may hide a causal dependency, thus making
      impossible to immediately write statements with non-transactional tables to the
      binary log before committing or rolling back the transaction.
      In this bug, with fix two issues regarding the mix of T statements and N
      statements on behalf of a transaction when in STATEMENT mode.
      First, multi-level (e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table
      statements (e.g. update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases,
      only the flag "modified_non_trans_table" is not enough to reflect that both a N
      and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we also check if an engine
      is registered in the handler's list and changed something meaning that a M table
      was modified.
      Second, the fix for BUG#43929 introduced a regression issue. In a nutshell,
      when a N statement fails on behalf of a transaction, it is written to the binary
      log with the error code appended. Unfortunately, after BUG#43929, this scenario
      was flushing the transactional cache (i.e. the cache where changes a stored while
      processing a transaction before being written to the binary log upon a commit
      or rollback) although a commit or a rollback was not issued. To fix this issue,
      we avoid flushing the transactional cache when a commit or rollback is not issued.
[11 Jul 2009 1:37] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3018 Alfranio Correia	2009-07-11
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
      mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
      non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
      to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
      consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
      STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
      In this bug, we fix two cases that were supposed to be safe.
      In the first case, mixing N and T tables in multi-level (e.g. a statement that
      fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g. update t1, t2...) were
      not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible to distinguish when
      a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T. In a nutshell,
      just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect that both a N
      and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an engine is
      registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that a T
      table was modified.
      In the second case, the fix for BUG#43929 introduced a regression issue. In a
      nutshell, when a N statement fails on behalf of a transaction, it is written to
      the binary log with the error code appended. Unfortunately, after BUG#43929,
      when an N statement was failing in the context, the transactional cache was
      flushed causing mismatch between execution and logging histories. To fix this
      issue, we avoid flushing the transactional cache when a commit or rollback is
      not issued.
      Check WL#2687 for a fully patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
      ROW modes completely safe.
[13 Jul 2009 9:09] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3018 Alfranio Correia	2009-07-13
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
      mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
      non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
      to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
      consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
      STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
      In this bug, we fix the following issue. Mixing N and T tables in multi-level
      (e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g.
      update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible
      to distinguish when a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T.
      In a nutshell, just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect
      that both a N and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an
      engine is registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that
      a T table was modified.
      Check WL#2687 for a fully patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
      ROW modes completely safe.
     @ mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_row_mix_innodb_myisam.result
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
     @ mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_stm_mix_innodb_myisam.result
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
[18 Aug 2009 23:31] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3072 Alfranio Correia	2009-08-19
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
      mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
      non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
      to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
      consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
      STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
      In this bug, we fix the following issue. Mixing N and T tables in multi-level
      (e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g.
      update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible
      to distinguish when a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T.
      In a nutshell, just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect
      that both a N and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an
      engine is registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that
      a T table was modified.
      Check WL 2687 for a fully patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
      ROW modes completely safe.
     @ mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_row_mix_innodb_myisam.result
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
     @ mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_stm_mix_innodb_myisam.result
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
[18 Aug 2009 23:38] Alfranio Tavares Correia Junior
Created a new patch after founding a glitch while developing WL#2687.

We should not consider the binlog as a handler when you check if a transctional
table was updated and the previous patch was not taking this into account.

See below what was changed:

static bool stmt_has_updated_trans_table(THD *thd)
  Ha_trx_info *ha_info;

  for (ha_info= thd->transaction.stmt.ha_list; ha_info; ha_info= ha_info->next())
    if (ha_info->is_trx_read_write() && ha_info->ht() != binlog_hton)
      return (TRUE);
  return (FALSE);
[26 Aug 2009 23:13] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3082 Alfranio Correia	2009-08-27
      BUG#28976 Mixing trans and non-trans tables in one transaction results in incorrect
      Mixing transactional (T) and non-transactional (N) tables on behalf of a
      transaction may lead to inconsistencies among masters and slaves in STATEMENT
      mode. The problem stems from the fact that although modifications done to
      non-transactional tables on behalf of a transaction become immediately visible
      to other connections they do not immediately get to the binary log and therefore
      consistency is broken. Although there may be issues in mixing T and M tables in
      STATEMENT mode, there are safe combinations that clients find useful.
      In this bug, we fix the following issue. Mixing N and T tables in multi-level
      (e.g. a statement that fires a trigger) or multi-table table statements (e.g.
      update t1, t2...) were not handled correctly. In such cases, it was not possible
      to distinguish when a T table was updated if the sequence of changes was N and T.
      In a nutshell, just the flag "modified_non_trans_table" was not enough to reflect
      that both a N and T tables were changed. To circumvent this issue, we check if an
      engine is registered in the handler's list and changed something which means that
      a T table was modified.
      Check WL 2687 for a full-fledged patch that will make the use of either the MIXED or
      ROW modes completely safe.
     @ mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_row_mix_innodb_myisam.result
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
     @ mysql-test/suite/binlog/r/binlog_stm_mix_innodb_myisam.result
        Truncate statement is wrapped in BEGIN/COMMIT.
[27 Aug 2009 9:33] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3084 Alfranio Correia	2009-08-27
      Post-fix for BUG#28976.
      Updated main.mysqlbinlog_row_trans's result file as 
      TRUNCATE statements are wrapped in BEGIN...COMMIT.
[2 Sep 2009 16:43] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.39 (revid:joro@sun.com-20090902154533-8actmfcsjfqovgsb) (version source revid:alfranio.correia@sun.com-20090827093227-9exafl3k6362bvq7) (merge vers: 5.1.39) (pib:11)
[8 Sep 2009 18:00] Jon Stephens
Documented bugfix in the 5.1.39 changelog as follows:

    When using the statement-based logging format, the only possible
    safe combination of transactional and non-transactional
    statements within the same transaction is to perform any updates
    on non-transactional tables (such as MyISAM tables) first, before
    updating any transactional tables (such as those using the
    InnoDB storage engine). This is due to the fact that, although a 
    modification made to a non-transactional table is immediately visible 
    to other connections, the update is not immediately written to the 
    binary log, which can lead to inconsistencies between master and slave.
    (Other combinations may hide a causal dependency, thus making it
    impossible to write statements updating non-transactional tables
    to the binary log in the correct order.)
    However, in some cases, this situation was not handled properly,
    and the determination whether a given statement was safe or not
    under these conditions was not always correct. In particular, a
    multi-table update that affected both transactional and
    non-transactional tables or a statement modifying data in a
    non-transactional table having a trigger that operated on a
    transactional table (or the reverse) was not determined to be
    unsafe when it should have been.
    With this fix, the following determinations regarding
    replication safety are made when combining updates to
    transactional and non-transactional tables within the same
    transaction in statement-based logging mode:
        1. Any statement modifying data in a non-transactional table
        within a given transaction is considered safe if it is
        issued prior to any data modification statement accessing a
        transactional table within the same transaction.
        2. A statement that updates transactional tables only is always
        considered safe.
        3. A statement affecting both transactional and 
        non-transactional tables within a transaction is always
        considered unsafe. It is not necessary that both tables be
        modified for this to be true; for example, a statement such
        as INSERT INTO innodb_table SELECT * FROM myisam_table is also
        considered unsafe.
      NOTE. The current fix is valid only when using statement-based
      logging mode; we plan to address similar issues occurring when
      using the MIXED or ROW format in a future MySQL release.
Set status to NDI, waiting to push to 5.4 tree.
[14 Sep 2009 16:06] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.4.4-alpha (revid:alik@sun.com-20090914155317-m1g9wodmndzdj4l1) (version source revid:alik@sun.com-20090914155317-m1g9wodmndzdj4l1) (merge vers: 5.4.4-alpha) (pib:11)
[16 Sep 2009 9:44] Jon Stephens
Also documented bugfix in the 5.4.4 changelog.

[1 Oct 2009 5:59] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.39-ndb-6.3.28 (revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091001055605-ap2kiaarr7p40mmv) (version source revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091001055605-ap2kiaarr7p40mmv) (merge vers: 5.1.39-ndb-6.3.28) (pib:11)
[1 Oct 2009 7:25] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.39-ndb-7.0.9 (revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091001072547-kv17uu06hfjhgjay) (version source revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091001071652-irejtnumzbpsbgk2) (merge vers: 5.1.39-ndb-7.0.9) (pib:11)
[1 Oct 2009 13:25] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.39-ndb-7.1.0 (revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091001123013-g9ob2tsyctpw6zs0) (version source revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091001123013-g9ob2tsyctpw6zs0) (merge vers: 5.1.39-ndb-7.1.0) (pib:11)
[5 Oct 2009 10:50] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.39-ndb-6.2.19 (revid:jonas@mysql.com-20091005103850-dwij2dojwpvf5hi6) (version source revid:jonas@mysql.com-20090930185117-bhud4ek1y0hsj1nv) (merge vers: 5.1.39-ndb-6.2.19) (pib:11)
[7 Oct 2009 14:39] Paul DuBois
The 5.4 fix has been pushed to 5.4.3.