Bug #286 "The table is full" occurs when using multi-table UPDATE
Submitted: 13 Apr 2003 22:04 Modified: 18 Oct 2004 12:10
Reporter: shilling lee Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.12 OS:FreeBSD (FreeBSD 4.8)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Apr 2003 22:04] shilling lee
There is a bug in multi-table UPDATE in mysql 4.0.12. If one use a multi-table UPDATE and the query makes a tmp table bigger then @@tmp_table_size, 1114 error is returned.it seems that mysql cannot use the BIG_TABLES option like SELECT does.

How to repeat:

First setup a big table table1, Ex: a table with 1xx,xxx,xxx rows and 1x collums. a big table table2, Ex: a table with 1x,xxx,xxx rows and 1x collums

mysql> UPDATE table1 as t1,table2 as t2 SET t1.id2=t2.id2,t1.value=t2.value,t1.name=t2.name WHERE t1.id=t2.id;
ERROR 1114: The table 't1' is full

Suggested fix:
When a tmp table exceed @@tmp_table_size, donnot use a in-memory table and use a disk table instead, just like SELECT does.
[14 Apr 2003 6:21] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the report.

We know about it and it is already fixed in 4.0.13 tree.
[6 May 2003 11:51] Lenz Grimmer
Sinisa, I could not find an entry in the 4.0.13 Changelog about this. Has this really been pushed for 
4.0.13? Or is it included in this ChangeSet? 
ChangeSet@1.1428, 2003-04-02 17:05:34+03:00, Sinisa@sinisa.nasamreza.org 
  A fix for a bug in multi-table updates which was always caused 
  whenever a temporary MyISAM table had to be created from HEAP table. 
If yes, please add an entry to the 4.0.13 NEWS about it and mention this bug ID. Thanks!
[13 May 2003 4:22] Lenz Grimmer
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been fixed in the latest
development tree for that product. You can find more information about
accessing our development trees at 

This bug will be fixed for the upcoming 4.0.13 release.
[23 May 2003 5:19] MySQL Verification Team

Here it is , the entry in 4.0.13 Changelog:

   * Fixed bug in `multi-table updates' which occurred whenever a
     temporary table, containing update data, had to be converted from
     `HEAP' to `MyISAM'.
[17 Oct 2004 22:42] James R
Doesn't looked fixed to me.  I just encountered this error and I am using 4.0.20-0.  I tried to execute this following statement on a table with about 90,000 records:

ALTER TABLE table ADD new_column VARCAHR(255);

and got:

ERROR 1114: The table '#sql-87f_163' is full.

The machine has way more disk space that would be needed to copy the table in question, so perhaps this should be looked at again, either because the problem is happening anew, or the original fix didn't fix it in some circumstances.
[18 Oct 2004 12:10] MySQL Verification Team
Your new report does not have anything to do with this one.

Old one is with multi-table updates and this one is with alter.

Report a new one and upload a table that will always return the error you report
on the ALTER statement you tried.

Try our latest 4.0 binary.