Bug #26893 5.0.36 enterprise windows binaries contain no debug symbol file
Submitted: 6 Mar 2007 20:55 Modified: 27 Apr 2007 3:58
Reporter: Shane Bester (Platinum Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows (windows)
Assigned to: Kent Boortz CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Mar 2007 20:55] Shane Bester


do not contain mysqld-debug.exe or any *.pdb or *.map files.
so this makes debugging crashes very hard for us and customers.

pdb and map files used to be included in the community releases, starting a while back.  it really was useful to have.

How to repeat:
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 6CDF-C233

 Directory of C:\mysql-enterprise-gpl-5.0.36-win32\bin

2007/03/06  22:34    <DIR>          .
2007/03/06  22:34    <DIR>          ..
2007/02/21  09:29         1,196,032 comp-err.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,531,904 libmySQL.dll
2007/02/21  09:29         1,437,696 myisamchk.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,343,488 myisamlog.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,355,776 myisampack.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,318,912 myisam_ftdump.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,634,304 mysql.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,495,040 mysqladmin.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,511,424 mysqlbinlog.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,482,752 mysqlcheck.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         4,546,560 mysqld-nt.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,523,712 mysqldump.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,482,752 mysqlimport.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,531,904 mysqlmanager.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,486,848 mysqlshow.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,597,440 mysqltest.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,839,104 mysql_client_test.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,486,848 mysql_upgrade.exe
2007/02/21  09:29            40,960 myTest.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,196,032 my_print_defaults.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,175,552 perror.exe
2007/02/21  09:29         1,187,840 replace.exe
              22 File(s)     33,402,880 bytes

Suggested fix:
in visual studio, enable the creation of this debug info.
use /Zi and /MAP /DEBUG

make the *.PDB and *.map files available in the normal package  or make them available via a separate download url.
[6 Mar 2007 20:55] MySQL Verification Team
it will lessen the number of hotfix builds support requests for windows platform, if we get these debug files included in the release.
[6 Mar 2007 22:30] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.

c:\temp\mysql-enterprise-gpl-5.0.36-win32>dir /S *.pdb
 O volume na unidade C não tem nome.
 O Número de Série do Volume é DCC1-39C2
Arquivo não encontrado
[3 Apr 2007 11:59] MySQL Verification Team
See bug: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=27605.
[25 Apr 2007 22:48] Kent Boortz
The 32 bit Windows packages in 5.0.40 contains .map
and .pdb files for the servers, "mysqld-nt.exe",
"mysqld-debug.exe" and "mysqlmanager.exe"

The 64 bit build that uses CMake has the same .pdb
files but lack .map files for other than the debug
binary. Could not find how to enable .map files for
the RelWithDebug target in CMake, please reopen
this bug report if the lack of the .map files is
a real problem.
[27 Apr 2007 3:58] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.0.40 changelog.

Windows binaries contained no debug symbol file. Now .map and .pdb
files are included in 32-bit builds for mysqld-nt.exe,
mysqld-debug.exe, and mysqlmanager.exe.