Bug #26106 Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and ref accesses
Submitted: 6 Feb 2007 8:15 Modified: 13 Aug 2010 2:31
Reporter: Sergey Petrunya Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.33 OS:Any
Assigned to: Martin Hansson CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Feb 2007 8:15] Sergey Petrunya
Query optimizer may choose an apparently sub-optimal QEP when there are 
several possible range and ref accesses.

How to repeat:
The case is similar to one described here

but it is rather complicated so I'll post more details in separate comments.
[6 Feb 2007 8:18] Sergey Petrunya
How to repeat: 

1. Create and fill the table:
CREATE TABLE `link_in85` (
  `domain_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `link_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `url_from` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `url_to` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `anchor` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `from_site_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `from_forum_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `from_message_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `message_published` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `kind` enum('link','img') NOT NULL,
  `url_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `isexternal` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `revert_domain` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `url_prefix` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `from_domain_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `ext` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
  `linktype` enum('html','video','mp3','image','pdf','other') NOT NULL,
  `message_day` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`link_id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `domain_id_2` (`domain_id`,`link_id`),
  KEY `url_to` (`url_to`),
  KEY `domain_id` (`domain_id`,`from_site_id`,`message_published`),
  KEY `revert_domain` (`revert_domain`,`url_prefix`(80)),
  KEY `domain_id_3`    (`domain_id`,`message_day`,`revert_domain`,`url_prefix`,`from_site_id`,`isexternal`),
  KEY `domain_message` (`domain_id`,`message_day`,`isexternal`,`revert_domain`,`url_prefix`,`from_site_id`)

fill it with certain data (you need precise dataset from PeterZ, I have it)
[6 Feb 2007 8:20] Sergey Petrunya
Problem #1:
Run the query:
explain SELECT
  count(*) cnt,
  count(distinct from_site_id) uniq  
  link_in85 IGNORE INDEX (domain_message) 
  domain_id=434876 AND
  kind='link' AND
  isexternal=1 AND    
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
 uniq desc, cnt desc
[6 Feb 2007 8:24] Sergey Petrunya
domain_id_2: rows 933660  cost 1.12039e+06 
domain_id:   rows 1931598 cost 2.31792e+06
domain_id_3: rows 2599902 cost 3.11991e+06

Range analyzer result is:
range plan for key domain_id_2, cost 1.12039e+06, records 933660

quick range select, key domain_id_2, length: 4
  434876 <= X <= 434876

  key=1: (domain_id_2): ReuseRangeEstimateForRef hits, rows=933660.
  key=3: domain_id :  ReuseRangeEstimateForRef hits, rows=1931598.
  key=5L domain_id_3: 
    quick_key_parts=2, nranges=31
    ref's key_parts=1 
      ReuseRangeEstimateForRef does not hit, 
      And here we use rec-per-key statistics of #rows=302992

The problem is: We shouldn't even consider ref(const) when it is possible to use range access over more key parts.
[6 Feb 2007 8:35] Sergey Petrunya
Another problem: consider this EXPLAIN:
[6 Feb 2007 8:35] Sergey Petrunya
explain SELECT
  count(*) cnt,
  count(distinct from_site_id) uniq  
  link_in85 IGNORE INDEX (domain_message, domain_id_2) 
  domain_id=434876 AND
  kind='link' AND    
  isexternal=1 AND    
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
  uniq desc, cnt desc
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: link_in85
         type: ref
possible_keys: domain_id,domain_id_3
          key: domain_id_3
      key_len: 4
          ref: const
         rows: 302992
        Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort
1 row in set (6 min 5.37 sec)
[6 Feb 2007 8:52] Sergey Petrunya
Here we have this scenario:

Range analyzer:
  find those two candidate accesses:
  key domain_id: found_read_time: 2.31792e+06 (cur. read_time: 1.18537e+06)
  rows= 1931598

  key domain_id_3: found_read_time: 3.11991e+06 (cur. read_time: 1.18537e+06)
  rows= 2599902
Both of them are considered too expensive. So we destroy all quick selects.


ReuseRangeEstimateForRef doesn't fire for key domain_id_3,
we use the rec_per_key (index statistics) estimate, and decide that
using the index is better than not.
 ^ Here we face the same problem as described in previous case ^

Since quick select already has been destroyed, we can't use it and use ref access over a broader range.
 ^ Here is another possible issue: are there any cases where we'll need to
   re-create the quick select we've previously destroyed? It seems that once 
   we have full ReuseRangeEstimateForRef + "use range if it scans a narrower
   set" we'll never need to re-create a quick select but this needs to be
[16 Mar 2007 14:00] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2466, 2007-03-16 15:00:50+01:00, mhansson@linux-st28.site +3 -0
  bug #26106: Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and ref 
  Credits go to Sergey Petrunia for this description of the bug.
  For ref(const) access methods there are two kinds of statistics when
  the WHERE has an AND-part of  "t.keyXpart1 = c1 AND ... t.keyXpartN = cN", 
  N < key size.
  1. Table statistics, i.e. index cardinality values
  2. Range access estimate
  those estimates are not necessarily consistent with each other
  for example we can get
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1 
                                           t.key1part2 IN (1, 2) ) 
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1
                                         t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
  which is obviously not true. The source of discrepancy is that index
  cardinality values can be very inaccurate for skewed datasets. The code
  marked as ReuseRangeEstimateForRef-[1-4] tries to do a smart job of using
  the best available estimate. e.g. if we have candidate accesses:
    * B = ref-access( t.key1part1 = c1 AND t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
    * A = range-access( t.key1part1 = c1 )
  and we have the E( #rows(A) ) <  E( #rows(A) ) as above, we'll pick
  the #rows estimate from range access and use it with ref access. (we
  will use ref access as it uses more keyparts, that's a heuristic)
  Ok, when we have range and ref over the same index we have these rules:
    * When access method X scans a subset of rows that access method Y will
      scan, use X, no matter what the cost numbers say.
    * Look if the obtained cost estimates are consistent. If there is an
      inconsistency, eliminate it by using range access estimates instead of
  The bug is that the above rules weren't followed. best_access_path always chose
  the index with the lowest number of records, even if the figure wasn't reliable.
[20 Mar 2007 7:23] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2466, 2007-03-20 08:24:17+01:00, mhansson@linux-st28.site +3 -0
  bug #26106: Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and ref 
  Credits go to Sergey Petrunia for this description of the bug.
  For ref(const) access methods there are two kinds of statistics when
  the WHERE has an AND-part of  "t.keyXpart1 = c1 AND ... t.keyXpartN = cN", 
  N < key size.
  1. Table statistics, i.e. index cardinality values
  2. Range access estimate
  those estimates are not necessarily consistent with each other
  for example we can get
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1 
                                           t.key1part2 IN (1, 2) ) 
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1
                                         t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
  which is obviously not true. The source of discrepancy is that index
  cardinality values can be very inaccurate for skewed datasets. The code
  marked as ReuseRangeEstimateForRef-[1-4] tries to do a smart job of using
  the best available estimate. e.g. if we have candidate accesses:
    * B = ref-access( t.key1part1 = c1 AND t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
    * A = range-access( t.key1part1 = c1 )
  and we have the E( #rows(A) ) <  E( #rows(A) ) as above, we'll pick
  the #rows estimate from range access and use it with ref access. (we
  will use ref access as it uses more keyparts, that's a heuristic)
  When we have range and ref over the same index we have these rules:
    * When access method X scans a subset of rows that access method Y will
      scan, use X, no matter what the cost numbers say.
    * Look if the obtained cost estimates are consistent. If there is an
      inconsistency, eliminate it by using range access estimates instead of
  The bug is that the above rules weren't followed. best_access_path always chose
  the index with the lowest number of records, even if the figure wasn't reliable.
[22 Mar 2007 12:25] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2466, 2007-03-22 13:26:42+01:00, mhansson@linux-st28.site +3 -0
  bug #26106: Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and ref 
  Credits go to Sergey Petrunia for this description of the bug.
  For ref(const) access methods there are two kinds of statistics when
  the WHERE has an AND-part of  "t.keyXpart1 = c1 AND ... t.keyXpartN = cN", 
  N < key size.
  1. Table statistics, i.e. index cardinality values
  2. Range access estimate
  those estimates are not necessarily consistent with each other
  for example we can get
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1 
                                           t.key1part2 IN (1, 2) ) 
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1
                                         t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
  which is obviously not true. The source of discrepancy is that index
  cardinality values can be very inaccurate for skewed datasets. The code
  marked as ReuseRangeEstimateForRef-[1-4] tries to do a smart job of using
  the best available estimate. e.g. if we have candidate accesses:
    * B = ref-access( t.key1part1 = c1 AND t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
    * A = range-access( t.key1part1 = c1 )
  and we have the E( #rows(A) ) <  E( #rows(B) ) as above, we'll pick
  the #rows estimate from range access and use it with ref access. (we
  will use ref access as it uses more keyparts, that's a heuristic)
  When we have range and ref over the same index we have these rules:
    * When access method X scans a subset of rows that access method Y will
      scan, use X, no matter what the cost numbers say.
    * Look if the obtained cost estimates are consistent. If there is an
      inconsistency, eliminate it by using range access estimates instead of
  The bug is that the above rules weren't followed. best_access_path always chose
  the index with the lowest number of records, even if the figure wasn't reliable.
[22 Mar 2007 12:47] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2466, 2007-03-22 13:48:41+01:00, mhansson@linux-st28.site +3 -0
  bug #26106: Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and ref 
  Credits go to Sergey Petrunia for this description of the bug.
  For ref(const) access methods there are two kinds of statistics when
  the WHERE has an AND-part of  "t.keyXpart1 = c1 AND ... t.keyXpartN = cN", 
  N < key size.
  1. Table statistics, i.e. index cardinality values
  2. Range access estimate
  those estimates are not necessarily consistent with each other
  for example we can get
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1 
                                           t.key1part2 IN (1, 2) ) 
    E(#rows(t.key1part1 = c1)) < E( #rows( t.key1part1 = c1
                                         t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
  which is obviously not true. The source of discrepancy is that index
  cardinality values can be very inaccurate for skewed datasets. The code
  marked as ReuseRangeEstimateForRef-[1-4] tries to do a smart job of using
  the best available estimate. e.g. if we have candidate accesses:
    * B = ref-access( t.key1part1 = c1 AND t.key1part2 = othertbl.field )
    * A = range-access( t.key1part1 = c1 )
  and we have the E( #rows(A) ) <  E( #rows(B) ) as above, we'll pick
  the #rows estimate from range access and use it with ref access. (we
  will use ref access as it uses more keyparts, that's a heuristic)
  When we have range and ref over the same index we have these rules:
    * When access method X scans a subset of rows that access method Y will
      scan, use X, no matter what the cost numbers say.
    * Look if the obtained cost estimates are consistent. If there is an
      inconsistency, eliminate it by using range access estimates instead of
  The bug is that the above rules weren't followed. best_access_path always chose
  the index with the lowest number of records, even if the figure wasn't reliable.
[30 May 2007 22:13] Sergey Petrunya
Another possible problem (maybe this needs to be separated into another

Indexes domain_id_3 and domain_message are defined over the same sets
of colums:


The query 

explain SELECT *
  domain_id=434876 AND
  isexternal=1 AND    
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',

uses 2 key parts for domain_id_3, and 3 key parts for domain_message. 
The #records estimate for range is the same for both indexes and equal to 31.
(Perhaps the cause of this is that records_in_range() may not return 0, as
that signifies an empty range)

The default read_cost() functions produces equal costs, and domain_id_3 is
chosen over domain_message. 

Actually, the ranges over domain_id_3 contain 30 rows, while ranges over
domain_message contain 0 rows, so domain_message is better.

MySQL could analyze situations like this and chose index for which more
predicates/keyparts are used.
[30 May 2007 22:13] Sergey Petrunya
Investigation log

table data

select count(*) from link_in85 where  domain_id=434876 AND 
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
                  '2007-01-29','2007-01-30','2007-01-31') ;
| count(*) |
|       31 | 
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

select count(*) from link_in85 where  domain_id=434876 AND 
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
                  '2007-01-29','2007-01-30','2007-01-31') and isexternal=1;
| count(*) |
|        0 | 
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Optimizer runs
explain select * from link_in85 force index(domain_id_3) 
where  domain_id=434876 AND isexternal=1 
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
                  '2007-01-29','2007-01-30','2007-01-31') ;
| id | select_type | table     | type  | possible_keys | key         | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | link_in85 | range | domain_id_3   | domain_id_3 | 7       | NULL |   31 | Using where | 

In the .trace:
T@3    : | | | | | | | | | | info: Returning range plan for key domain_id_3, cost 68.21, records 31
T@3    : | | | | | | | | | <get_key_scans_params
quick range select, key domain_id_3, length: 7
  434876/2007-01-01 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-01
  434876/2007-01-02 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-02
  434876/2007-01-03 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-03
  434876/2007-01-04 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-04
  434876/2007-01-05 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-05
  434876/2007-01-06 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-06
  434876/2007-01-07 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-07
  434876/2007-01-08 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-08
  434876/2007-01-09 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-09
  434876/2007-01-10 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-10
  434876/2007-01-11 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-11
  434876/2007-01-12 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-12
  434876/2007-01-13 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-13
  434876/2007-01-14 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-14
  434876/2007-01-15 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-15
  434876/2007-01-16 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-16
  434876/2007-01-17 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-17
  434876/2007-01-18 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-18
  434876/2007-01-19 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-19
  434876/2007-01-20 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-20
  434876/2007-01-21 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-21
  434876/2007-01-22 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-22
  434876/2007-01-23 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-23
  434876/2007-01-24 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-24
  434876/2007-01-25 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-25
  434876/2007-01-26 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-26
  434876/2007-01-27 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-27
  434876/2007-01-28 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-28
  434876/2007-01-29 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-29
  434876/2007-01-30 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-30

=== Now for domain_message: ===

explain select * from link_in85 force index(domain_message) 
where  domain_id=434876 AND isexternal=1 
  message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
                  '2007-01-29','2007-01-30','2007-01-31') ;
| id | select_type | table     | type  | possible_keys  | key            | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | link_in85 | range | domain_message | domain_message | 8       | NULL |   31 | Using where | 

In the .trace:

T@3    : | | | | | | | | | | info: Returning range plan for key domain_message, cost 68.21, records 31
T@3    : | | | | | | | | | <get_key_scans_params
quick range select, key domain_message, length: 8
  434876/2007-01-01/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-01/1
  434876/2007-01-02/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-02/1
  434876/2007-01-03/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-03/1
  434876/2007-01-04/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-04/1
  434876/2007-01-05/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-05/1
  434876/2007-01-06/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-06/1
  434876/2007-01-07/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-07/1
  434876/2007-01-08/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-08/1
  434876/2007-01-09/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-09/1
  434876/2007-01-10/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-10/1
  434876/2007-01-11/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-11/1
  434876/2007-01-12/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-12/1
  434876/2007-01-13/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-13/1
  434876/2007-01-14/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-14/1
  434876/2007-01-15/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-15/1
  434876/2007-01-16/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-16/1
  434876/2007-01-17/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-17/1
  434876/2007-01-18/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-18/1
  434876/2007-01-19/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-19/1
  434876/2007-01-20/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-20/1
  434876/2007-01-21/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-21/1
  434876/2007-01-22/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-22/1
  434876/2007-01-23/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-23/1
  434876/2007-01-24/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-24/1
  434876/2007-01-25/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-25/1
  434876/2007-01-26/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-26/1
  434876/2007-01-27/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-27/1
  434876/2007-01-28/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-28/1
  434876/2007-01-29/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-29/1
  434876/2007-01-30/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-30/1
  434876/2007-01-31/1 <= X <= 434876/2007-01-31/1
other_keys: 0x0:
[5 Jun 2007 12:32] Martin Hansson
Hi Sergey, this is interesting. Can you please post the dataset you were using for these last runs? I'll look into this and see if you can fix both these problems at the same time.
[5 Jun 2007 15:04] Sergey Petrunya
Mutually-inconsistent range problem aside, the patch does not solve the problem
that ref(idx_X) can be used where ref(idx_X) is also applicable and it would use more key parts (i.e. scan fewer records).

Using the patched tree, the supplied dataset:

mysql> explain SELECT
    ->   url_to,    
    ->   count(*) cnt,
    ->   revert_domain,
    ->   url_prefix,
    ->   count(distinct from_site_id) uniq  
    -> FROM 
    ->   link_in85 IGNORE INDEX (domain_message, domain_id_2) 
    -> WHERE 
    ->   domain_id=434876 AND
    ->   kind='link' AND    
    ->   isexternal=1 AND    
    ->   message_day IN ('2007-01-01','2007-01-02','2007-01-03','2007-01-04',
    ->                   '2007-01-05','2007-01-06','2007-01-07','2007-01-08',
    ->                   '2007-01-09','2007-01-10','2007-01-11','2007-01-12',
    ->                   '2007-01-13','2007-01-14','2007-01-15','2007-01-16',
    ->                   '2007-01-17','2007-01-18','2007-01-19','2007-01-20',
    ->                   '2007-01-21','2007-01-22','2007-01-23','2007-01-24',
    ->                   '2007-01-25','2007-01-26','2007-01-27','2007-01-28',
    ->                   '2007-01-29','2007-01-30','2007-01-31') 
    -> GROUP BY 
    ->   concat(revert_domain,url_prefix)  
    -> ORDER BY 
    ->   uniq desc, cnt desc
    -> LIMIT 10\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: link_in85
         type: ref
possible_keys: domain_id,domain_id_3
          key: domain_id_3
      key_len: 4
          ref: const
         rows: 2599902
        Extra: Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

Index domain_id_3 is defined as (`domain_id`,`message_day`,`isexternal`,`revert_domain`,`url_prefix`,`from_site_id`)

The QEP uses ref(domain_id_3) over 1 key part (condition is domain_id=434876),
while range(domain_id_3) would use 3 key parts.
[15 Jun 2007 11:54] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


ChangeSet@1.2466, 2007-06-15 13:55:18+03:00, mhansson@linux-st28.site +3 -0
  bug #26106: Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and ref 
  For ref(const) access methods there are two kinds of statistics when a prefix of a 
  key is matched: range access estimate and table statistics, which are not necessarily
  consistent with each other. This may make the optimizer choose a key which matches 
  fewer key parts than some other key, which is obviously not correct.
  Fixed by giving preferrence to the keys that match the most parts, and choosing the
  best one among these.
[30 Sep 2009 7:49] Martin Hansson
Requesting re-triage, the latest action was almost a year ago.
[9 Mar 2010 17:37] Ruslan Zakirov
Knew about the bug for a while, but didn't know that there are patches exist. Sad that this is flagged as minor issue as it's easy to reproduce. Here is simple way:

mysql> select version();
| 5.0.77-log | 

mysql> create table b26106(type varchar(64), content varchar(64));
mysql> insert into b26106 values('ticket', 'asd');
mysql> insert into b26106 values('ticket', 'asd');
mysql> insert into b26106 values('ticket', 'zczx');
mysql> insert into b26106 values('ticket', 'sdfgs');
mysql> insert into b26106 values('ticket', 'qwer');
mysql> insert into b26106 values('ticket', 'ldgjh');

mysql> create index content on b26106(content);
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from b26106 where content >= 'd' and content <= 'z';
| type   | content |
| ticket | ldgjh   | 
| ticket | qwer    | 
| ticket | sdfgs   | 
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN select * from b26106 where content >= 'd' and content <= 'z';
| id | select_type | table  | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b26106 | range | content       | content | 67      | NULL |    2 | Using where | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> create index type_content on b26106(type, content);
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 6  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> EXPLAIN select * from b26106 where type = 'ticket' AND content >= 'd' and content <= 'z';
| id | select_type | table  | type | possible_keys        | key          | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b26106 | ref  | content,type_content | type_content | 67      | const |    1 | Using where; Using index | 
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So there is no need in very special test case for this bug to manifest itself.
[24 Jun 2010 14:39] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3270 Martin Hansson	2010-06-24
      Bug#26106: Wrong plan may be chosen when there are several possible range and
      ref accesses
      For ref(const) access methods there are two kinds of statistics when a prefix
      of a key is matched: range access estimate and table statistics, which are not
      necessarily consistent with each other. This may make the optimizer choose a
      key which matches fewer key parts than some other key, which is obviously not
      Fixed by giving preferrence to the keys that match the most parts, and
      choosing the best one among these.
[23 Jul 2010 12:36] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-next-mr (revid:alik@sun.com-20100723121929-90e9zemk3jkr2ocy) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100531152341-x2d4hma644icamh1) (pib:18)
[4 Aug 2010 8:11] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-trunk 5.6.1-m4 (revid:alik@ibmvm-20100804080001-bny5271e65xo34ig) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100531152341-x2d4hma644icamh1) (merge vers: 5.5.5-m3) (pib:18)
[4 Aug 2010 8:26] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-trunk 5.6.1-m4 (revid:alik@ibmvm-20100804081533-c1d3rbipo9e8rt1s) (version source revid:vasil.dimov@oracle.com-20100531152341-x2d4hma644icamh1) (merge vers: 5.5.5-m3) (pib:18)
[13 Aug 2010 2:31] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.6.0 changelog.

A suboptimal query execution plan could chosen when there were
several possible range and ref accesses. Now preference is given to
the keys that match the most parts and choosing the best one among