Bug #25946 Namespace not include for xsi usage within --xml output with null/nil values
Submitted: 30 Jan 2007 15:14 Modified: 3 Apr 2007 0:05
Reporter: Mark Leith Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: XML functions Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.26, 5.1.12 OS:Any (All)
Assigned to: Alexander Barkov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: bfsm_2007_03_15, MySQL, XML, xsi

[30 Jan 2007 15:14] Mark Leith
The namespace is not included along with the new xsi usage within the --xml formatted output of the mysql command line client (and mysqldump as well). This breaks compatilibity for various tools that use things such as the SAXParser. For instance the new format of something like SHOW SLAVE STATUS:

<resultset statement="SHOW SLAVE STATUS">
<field name="Slave_IO_State"></field>
<field name="Master_Host">somehost.com</field>
<field name="Master_User">slave</field>
<field name="Master_Port">3306</field>
<field name="Connect_Retry">30</field>
<field name="Master_Log_File">log-bin.000001</field>
<field name="Read_Master_Log_Pos">1056</field>
<field name="Relay_Log_File">log-relay.000002</field>
<field name="Relay_Log_Pos">254</field>
<field name="Relay_Master_Log_File">log-bin.000001</field>
<field name="Slave_IO_Running">No</field>
<field name="Slave_SQL_Running">No</field>
<field name="Replicate_Do_DB"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Ignore_DB"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Do_Table"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Ignore_Table"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Wild_Do_Table"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table"></field>
<field name="Last_Errno">137</field>
<field name="Last_Error"></field>
<field name="Skip_Counter">0</field>
<field name="Exec_Master_Log_Pos">420</field>
<field name="Relay_Log_Space">1966</field>
<field name="Until_Condition">None</field>
<field name="Until_Log_File"></field>
<field name="Until_Log_Pos">0</field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Allowed">No</field>
<field name="Master_SSL_CA_File"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_CA_Path"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Cert"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Cipher"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Key"></field>
<field name="Seconds_Behind_Master" xsi:nil="true" />

Now breaks parsers with errors such as:

"The prefix "xsi" for attribute "xsi:nil" associated with an element type "field" is not bound."

How to repeat:
No test case immediately available, easy to see where the issue is.

Suggested fix:
Provide the correct namespace within the XML output, such as:

 <resultset statement="SHOW SLAVE STATUS" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" >
<field name="Slave_IO_State"></field>
<field name="Master_Host">somehost.com</field>
<field name="Master_User">slave</field>
<field name="Master_Port">3306</field>
<field name="Connect_Retry">30</field>
<field name="Master_Log_File">log-bin.000001</field>
<field name="Read_Master_Log_Pos">1056</field>
<field name="Relay_Log_File">log-relay.000002</field>
<field name="Relay_Log_Pos">254</field>
<field name="Relay_Master_Log_File">log-bin.000001</field>
<field name="Slave_IO_Running">No</field>
<field name="Slave_SQL_Running">No</field>
<field name="Replicate_Do_DB"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Ignore_DB"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Do_Table"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Ignore_Table"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Wild_Do_Table"></field>
<field name="Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table"></field>
<field name="Last_Errno">137</field>
<field name="Last_Error"></field>
<field name="Skip_Counter">0</field>
<field name="Exec_Master_Log_Pos">420</field>
<field name="Relay_Log_Space">1966</field>
<field name="Until_Condition">None</field>
<field name="Until_Log_File"></field>
<field name="Until_Log_Pos">0</field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Allowed">No</field>
<field name="Master_SSL_CA_File"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_CA_Path"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Cert"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Cipher"></field>
<field name="Master_SSL_Key"></field>
<field name="Seconds_Behind_Master" xsi:nil="true" />
[27 Mar 2007 8:34] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:

[28 Mar 2007 8:22] Sergey Vojtovich
[28 Mar 2007 10:28] Alexander Barkov
Pushed into 5.0.38
Pushed into 5.1.17
[31 Mar 2007 23:53] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.0.40
[31 Mar 2007 23:55] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.18-beta
[3 Apr 2007 0:05] Jon Stephens
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bug fix. More information about accessing the source trees is available at


Documented bugfix in 5.0.40 and 5.1.18 changelogs. Also updated info in descriptions of mysql and mysqldump.
[3 Apr 2007 9:59] Ruvim Pinka
Also see Bug #27608 (If a result set is empty, the output XML document is utterly blank while it must include at least one empty root element).