Bug #1720 Slave Start cause Mysql server to crash
Submitted: 30 Oct 2003 19:42 Modified: 17 Nov 2003 6:23
Reporter: Jack Chan Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:3.23.58 OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: Guilhem Bichot CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Oct 2003 19:42] Jack Chan
  I download the mysql-3.23.58-win.zip from your web site. The server version is 3.23.58-max-debug-log, when i type slave start , It will cause MYSQL server to crash, the message is "The instruction at '0X004a6347' referencew memory at '0x00000000. The memory can not be 'read' click on OK to terminate the program"

because i am using 3.23.56, and i do not have any problem with replication function. This problem only happen on 3.23.57 and 3.23.58.

Have i missed any thing?


How to repeat:
 I download the mysql-3.23.58-win.zip from your web site. The server version is 3.23.58-max-debug-log, I install the software on 2 machine, both running windows 2000. I install the mysqld-nt as the service, and copy C:\mysql\my-small.cnf to c:\My.cnf on both server.

On 1st server, 
I modify the my.cnf, change the server id =1, enable log-bin
Add a repl user by type this command. 

GRANT FILE ON *.* TO repl@"%" IDENTIFIED BY 'repl';
Flush Privileges;

Then I test this login from 2nd server, and i can connect to 1st Server.
mysql -h -u rep -p

Then I get the master status of the 1st Server. I write down the replication Log file, log pos

On 2nd server. 
  I modify the my.cnf, change the server id =2, enable log-bin.
  I start up the server. and change the replication Option


Then when i type slave start , It will cause MYSQL server to crash, the message is "The instruction at '0X004a6347' referencew memory at '0x00000000. The memory can not be 'read' click on OK to terminate the program"

Then i stop the Master (1st) server. and try to restart 2nd server, but same error message pop up. It will only work when i delete the master.info file.
My master.info file contain the following line

because i am using 3.23.56, and i do not have any problem with replication function. This problem only happen on 3.23.57 and 3.23.58.

Have i missed any thing?
[30 Oct 2003 20:36] MySQL Verification Team
You are mentioned that both servers are started as service on both
If you had issued the install of the service using the default command
for to install the service: e.g.: mysqld-nt --install; that means that
the service is owned by the local system account and Windows doesn't 
permits that the local system account should be authenticated against
a remote machine (mysqld has a piece of code which verify this).
For to resolve this issue you have the below options:

1- Change using the Service Control Manager (SCM) the system local
   account for another user account (the user should need the administrator
   privileges or the ones enough for to performer write/read operation)
   on both machines. In another words the replication needs the mysqld
   servers and Windows privileges for.
2- You can avoid this starting both servers as standalone not as service.
3- If you resolve this issue with the above work around, also this report
   should be considered as a bug because the correct mysqld action should
   be a message error indicating a denied OS write/read operation instead
   of a crash. For this reason I am assigning this bug for Guilhem.
[3 Nov 2003 13:53] MySQL Verification Team
Yes I was able to repeat the server slave crash trying to connect
with a master running on Win2000. At the bottom the stack trace.

Guilhem: a 4.0.16 server doesn't crash:

E:\mysql\bin>mysqld --standalone --console
mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.0.16-max-debug-log'  socket: ''  port: 3306
031103 19:44:27  Slave I/O thread: connected to master 'repl@',
  replication started in log 'FIRST' at position 4

void thr_end_alarm(thr_alarm_t *alrm_ptr)
  thr_alarm_t alrm= *alrm_ptr;
  if (alrm->crono)
    KillTimer(NULL, alrm->crono);
    alrm->crono = 0;

>	mysqld.exe!thr_end_alarm(st_thr_alarm_entry * * alrm_ptr=0x01cff63c)  Line 641 + 0x3	C
 	mysqld.exe!mc_mysql_connect(st_mysql * mysql=0x0044a5f3, const char * host=0x00b6d2a8, const char * user=0x006c4810, const char * passwd=0x006c484d, const char * db=0x006c485e, unsigned int port=0, const char * unix_socket=0x00000cea, unsigned int client_flag=0)  Line 602 + 0xc	C++
 	mysqld.exe!safe_connect(THD * thd=0x00448d3d, st_mysql * mysql=0x00b3f868, st_master_info * mi=0x00b6d2a8)  Line 1569 + 0x43	C++
 	mysqld.exe!handle_slave(void * arg=0x004b7ac6)  Line 1364 + 0x10	C++
 	mysqld.exe!pthread_start(void * param=0x00b6df98)  Line 64 + 0x7	C
 	mysqld.exe!_threadstart(void * ptd=0x00b769d8)  Line 173 + 0xd	C
[17 Nov 2003 6:23] Guilhem Bichot
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at

ChangeSet@1.1422.1.1, 2003-11-17 12:59:07+02:00, monty@mashka.mysql.fi