Bug #16176 Syntax window on MySQL QB missing MySQL 5 syntax updates
Submitted: 4 Jan 2006 7:46 Modified: 17 Feb 2009 7:46
Reporter: Kevin Benton (Candidate Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.1.18 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: qc

[4 Jan 2006 7:46] Kevin Benton
While looking for documentation on the syntax of CREATE VIEW, ALTER VIEW, ... and CREATE TRIGGER, ...

I found that MySQL Query Browser does not yet include any syntax suggestions in any of the syntax views.

I would hope that QB would include them when it is connected to a MySQL Server v5.0 or greater.  I would also have hoped that there was an obvious way to integrate the refman5.chm into MySQL QB.

It seems to me that when syntax changes, updates to the query browser ought to be release blockers for MySQL QB.

How to repeat:
See Above

Suggested fix:
Update as requested above.
[18 May 2006 21:00] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, try to repeat described with a newer version, 1.1.20, and inform about the results.
[18 Jun 2006 23:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[29 Jul 2008 16:40] Kevin Benton
When looking through the syntax help (bottom-right box), I looked for CREATE TRIGGER syntax, yet I was unable to locate it.  When I double click on "SQL Syntax for Prepared Statements" - no subdisplay opens - I'm assuming that's where it should appear.  The Trx tab is also empty.  This is in MySQL QB 1.2.12.

Frankly, I have long thought that the help box should include search capability.
[31 Jul 2008 23:14] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback.
[20 Dec 2008 0:22] Kevin Benton
FYI - This problem persists in 1.2.15 when running against a 5.1.26rc server.
[16 Feb 2009 12:05] Mike Lischke
This is not a bug. QB as well as the entire GUI tools bundle only supports MySQL 5.0 (hence its name). It also works with 5.1 but does not support the new features there (like events and triggers). Since we are going to include QB's main features into MySQL Workbench we will not improve QB anymore.
[16 Feb 2009 12:14] Mike Lischke
Well, triggers are there since 5.0.2, but don't fully work yet. However this does not change the general message: QB goes into WB.
[16 Feb 2009 17:12] Kevin Benton
As I stated in #38301 - WB is *NOT* ready to replace QB.  This is two RFE's being effectively WONTFIX'ed in one day on me without any reasonable hope of being able to use WB as a QB replacement.

Sun/MySQL needs to consider how much this type of activity is affecting customer perception.  While WB may be getting some accolades, I don't think Sun/MySQL is taking in the entire picture - WB lacks a lot when considering the ability that QB has.

Please make sure that executive oversight is considered here - Query Browser is one of the reasons we like MySQL.  There are significant reasons why my company is looking into PostgreSQL as a replacement.  Rather than focusing so heavily on making WB replace QB, I'd much rather see MySQL focus resources on things like making distributed transaction capabilities work fully and providing more ANSI capabilities in the server.  When a decision to stop supporting QB RFE's is made, WB ought to be able to at least support all the capabilities QB had (i.e. view/update any schema from an active MySQL server).  WB 5.0.28 just doesn't cut it.  I haven't seen anything in the release notes to indicate that this is significantly improved in 5.0.29.

MySQL 5 DBA certified or not, this is not what I expect from MySQL.
[16 Feb 2009 17:58] Valeriy Kravchuk
IMHO, all syntax that is supported by 5.0.x GA server version should be supported by QB.
[16 Feb 2009 19:42] Kevin Benton
Thanks Valeriy
[17 Feb 2009 7:46] Mike Lischke
Maybe I wasn't clear enough with my last comment. What I wanted to say is that we will include most of the QB functionality into WB, not that it is already there. We already started working on the version after the next to bring this on the table as soon as possible.

There will be no new features in any of the legacy GUI tools. We only do maintenance currently to fix anything critical when it arises (which hasn't happen for quite some time already, fortunately) and do some other bug fixing.