Bug #11621 | connector does not support charset cp1250 | ||
Submitted: | 28 Jun 2005 20:43 | Modified: | 12 Jul 2005 3:32 |
Reporter: | Miloslav Siroky | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / NET | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 1.0.4 | OS: | Windows (win 2000) |
Assigned to: | Reggie Burnett | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[28 Jun 2005 20:43]
Miloslav Siroky
[30 Jun 2005 9:15]
Vasily Kishkin
Could you please write here table definition and sample test case ?
[30 Jun 2005 14:20]
Miloslav Siroky
Example of table CREATE TABLE `dotdata55`.`kl_sample2` ( `Klient_c` MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Prijmeni` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Jmeno` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `Titul` VARCHAR(50), `Pohlavi` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `Datum_nar` DATE, `Narodnost` VARCHAR(45), `Statni_pris` VARCHAR(25), `Ulice_a_cp` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, `Obec` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `PSC` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`Klient_c`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; Here is a sample of data, but I'm afraid it is damaged through export. Originaly the data is in cp1250 and if I view them through MyODBC (from MS Access) it's right if server is configured to default character set cp1250. But with this settings I can't connect to the server through .net connector, so I must use latin2 as def. charset. If i change the setting directly in table (i.e. server=latin2, table=cp1250), the connection is opened by .net connector and the same error occurs when try to read data from this table, e.g. by mysqldataadapter.fill method. I think this does not depend on data values in table. If it helps, I can send the buffer tracing displaying with error message. So the data (copied from csv, dont know if it is useful...) "Klient_c","Prijmeni","Jmeno","Titul","Pohlavi","Datum_nar","Narodnost","Statni_pris","Ulice_a_cp","Obec","PSC" 1110002,"KouckĂ˝","Václav","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","ObÄ›tĂ Nacismu 1","Semily","50505" 1110003,"Kry?pin","JiĹ™Ă","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Ládevská 9","Semily","50505" 1110004,"HalĂĹ™ová","Milena","",2,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Horova 23/2","Semily","50505" 1110006,"Urban","VladimĂr","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Pod Hybšmankou 7","Semily","50505" 1110007,"MutĹanská","Václava","",2,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Ve StĹ™ešoviÄŤkách 47","Semily","50505" 1110008,"ZajĂcová","Drahu?e","",2,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Ovocnářská 596","Semily","50505" 1110009,"Milo?","Kuchtář","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Dvořákova 3","Semily","50505" 1110010,"KrejÄŤĂ","Lubo?","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","ChaloupeckĂ©ho 5","Semily","50505" 1110013,"Matou?ek","VladimĂr","MUDr.",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Horákova 740","Semily","50505" 1110017,"Eisenbruk","JiĹ™Ă","PhDr.",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Melkusova 28","Semily","50505" 1110019,"Stejskal","Michal","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","VysoÄŤanská 237","Semily","50505" 1110020,"?tukavec","Alois","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Ăšprkova 1","Semily","50505" 1110025,"?onovskĂ˝","Tomá?","Ing.",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","Generála PĂky 6","Semily","50505" 1110028,"MotiÄŤka","Tomá?","",1,"","ÄŤeská","ÄŚR","","Semily","50505"
[30 Jun 2005 18:53]
Reggie Burnett
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release. If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information about accessing the source trees is available at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Installing_source_tree.html Additional info: Fixed in 1.0.5
[11 Jul 2005 11:50]
Miloslav Siroky
Thank you for solving! Now I can't find more info about how to access the source repository of this connector and build the version. Or, is it possible to say approximately when the next release is available?
[12 Jul 2005 3:32]
Paul DuBois
Noted in Connector/NET 1.0.5 changelog.
[18 Jul 2005 12:20]
Miloslav Siroky
But no documentation for Connector/Net is available on the web, so I cannot get the 1.0.5 changelog. There is only Connector/J and ODBC documentation